Public toilet facilities consultation

Broxtowe Borough Council are currently analysing how best to provide suitable public toilet facilities within the Borough. 

This email has been sent to you so that you can give your feedback on what type of toilet facilities you would like to see in the Borough Your input will help us to ensure that any new or improved facilities meet as many people’s needs as possible. 

Please send all replies to: by October 6th 2023 


  • Currently there are toilets within each of the four town centres in the Borough; Beeston, Eastwood, Kimberley and Stapleford.
  • The overall cost to maintain all the public toilets in 2022/23 was £134,881.
  • It is anticipated that basic refurbishment costs will be £54,000 by 2025/26 with an £135,000 required by 2030/31.
  • The new Changing Places toilet in Beeston is estimated to have a total construction cost of £270,000 with ongoing annual maintenance costs of around £13,000 to £14,0000

Questions and Comments

1.       What do you think about the current public toilet facilities? 

2.       What facilities would you like to see in public toilets? 

3.       Currently the public toilets are located in town centres; is there anywhere else where toilets should be located? 

4.       Would you use public toilets if they were located in public buildings such as villages halls and libraries? Please explain why / why not? 

5.       Any other comments.

Please feel free to add as much information as you like: If you’d like to be contacted to discuss the matter further, please feel free to email

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