Stapleford Concerns: Arthur Mee

The Arthur Mee Campus in Stapleford, a historic building once home to a school attended by many local residents and more recently a college, has been put up for sale. Listed at a price of £1,500,000, the announcement has stirred considerable concern among the local community about the future of this iconic structure.

Originally named after the noted local historian and journalist Arthur Mee, the campus has played a significant role in the educational landscape of Stapleford. For generations, it has been a centre of learning, first as a school where many residents spent their formative years, and later as a college, providing further education opportunities to the community.

The decision to sell the Arthur Mee Campus has not been taken lightly, and it comes at a time when local authorities and educational institutions are grappling with budget constraints and changing educational needs. Despite these challenges, the building’s sale has sparked a wave of nostalgia and concern among those who hold it dear.

Local residents have voiced their worries about what will become of the building once it changes hands. There is a strong sentiment that the site should continue to serve the community in some capacity, rather than being repurposed for commercial or residential development. The architectural and historical significance of the Arthur Mee Campus further complicates the issue, as many feel that its legacy should be preserved.

A petition ( ) has been launched by the Broxtowe Independent Group, urging the local council and potential buyers to consider the community’s interests and the building’s heritage. They are advocating for the site to remain an educational or community resource, suggesting possibilities such as a community centre, a new special needs school, or even a mixed-use development that includes community facilities.

The sale of the Arthur Mee Campus marks a significant moment for Stapleford. As the process unfolds, the community is watching closely, hoping for a future that honours the building’s past while meeting contemporary needs. The outcome will undoubtedly shape the town’s landscape and serve as a testament to how communities can influence the preservation and evolution of their local landmarks.

In the coming months, it will be crucial for stakeholders, including local authorities, prospective buyers, and the community, to engage in a dialogue that respects the history of the Arthur Mee Campus and seeks a solution that benefits Stapleford as a whole.


  1. As ever this is finance related. I currently run a learning centre (as part of a community foundation) in Nottingham and this building would be an ideal place to continue our work alongside support and facilities for the wider community but we are unable to raise funds for the asking price 😢


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